Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Alvin Theatre Playbill, 1977, Annie

A few days ago I posted an autographed 1977 Playbill from the Alvin Theatre's production of Annie, autographed by the original Annie herself, Andrea McArdle. Go there to read the very long (and embarrassing) story of ten year old me's crush on the thirteen year old actress.

Here's the other Playbill I got autographed that night.

This one is signed by Andrea McArdle, Danielle Brisebois, and Diana Barrows. Diana Barrows' played an orphan who provided some comedic moments with the recurring line "Oh my goodness!" and Danielle Brisebois played an orphan as well. 

I was from a tiny town in Maine and thought I was pretty big deal for having met several Broadway stars, so the name Danielle Brisebois' name was committed to memory as I told and retold the tale of my brush with fame. (It was also probably terribly mispronounced, Mainers do terrible things inadvertently, with French names).

 Thus I was able to recognize it when she appeared a while later on the iconic (but late in its run) television show All in the Family and was a main character in the spin-off, Archie Bunker's Place.

And I did not know this until I just googled her, but she was also in the band New Radicals, who had a song I really like and is probably in a couple of playlists of mine- "You Get What You Give."